During your dental wellness session—commonly known as “a cleaning”—we’ll banish
plaque, tartar, and stains, leaving your teeth and gums in the pink of health. Our
dedicated dental team will provide personalized guidance on effective brushing and
flossing techniques so that you can smile with confidence!
Now, let’s delve into the significance of fluoride. A naturally occurring element found in minerals, water sources, and various foods, fluoride plays a pivotal role against decay. Curious about what unfolds during a professional fluoride treatment? At EyeSmile Dental, our dental health professionals assess the need for a fluoride treatment. For those at a higher risk of cavities, your dentist might recommend a personalized fluoride rinse or gel for regular home use, adding another layer of protection to your beautiful smile.
X-rays, also known as radiographs, are prescribed by dentists to ensure that small problems don’t develop into bigger issues in the future. X-rays also allow for our dentists to:
● Detect cavities
● Examine the roots of teeth
● Check the health of the bone area around the teeth
● Determine if periodontal disease is an oral care issue.
● Evaluate the developing teeth